Friday, September 23, 2005

Hi Everyone!

Thanks for your e-mails, much appreciated!

I am in Wellington today, and tomorrow, and then I plan on heading off
to the south island for about a month until the vineyard season
begins. By november i should be able to find a few jobs in vineyards,
ranging from wrapping the vines, thining the vines, quality
inspection, etc.

I am slowly refining my backpacking skills. I think i am going to do
away with the suitcase, which i brought since i didn't exactly have a
plan before i came over here, beside to just live and enjoy the
culture. I quickly find myself spending a small fortune on little
things that make backpacking much easier, and more compact, it is very
interesting what kind of toys they have made for backpackers... i
almost feel like a little kid shopping for legos again. :)

Once again i scored with the hostel that i am staying at. Great
people, wonderful chats, and great advice! The little tips and pointer
you pick up from fellow backpackers here are priceless, and have a way
of saving you a ton of money. right now i am rooming with one guy who
has been staying in the hostel for the last three weeks while looking
for a place to stay in wellington. he landed a job a few weeks back,
and now is staying at the hostel until he can find a flat to rent out.
Another gal, shelly is from england, a PE teacher, and a load of fun.
She spent four months in australia with a friend working to save up
money for her year long venture. and then we have the guy that is very
nice but very hard to understand. enrique, as we think he name is,
comes from switerland, and i can't say i recall much of what is game
plan is... like i said, hard to understand, but a great lad.

I have yet to pick up an accent, but wierd "proper" english vocabulary
seems to be intergrating into my speech. things, like "proper",
"mate", "lad", etc, are all becoming common phrases.

there is a world mountaineering race going on tomorrow. people from
all over the world have come to run in this race. at first i thought
about entering for the fun of it.. but quickly realized that would be
a disasterous idea. the trail goes almost completly vertically up a
mountain, and the same slope on the way down the mountain. A handful
of germans that are running in the race are staying at the hostel, and
all i have to say is "wow". the amount of food that these guys eat,
the amazing shape they are in, and how goofy they can be is pretty

good time in new zealand!

keep me updated on what's going on with you guys!


P.S. i hope e-mail files are not too big with all of the pics!

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